Welcome to the U.S. Navy’s project website for the Disposal of Decommissioned, Defueled Ex-Enterprise (CVN 65) and Its Associated Naval Reactor Plants Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS).
On Sept. 5, 2023, the U.S. Department of the Navy (Navy) released its Record of Decision to select and implement the Preferred Alternative (Commercial Dismantlement) from the Final EIS/OEIS. Under this alternative, the Navy will contract with commercial industry to dismantle ex-Enterprise, including its defueled reactor plants, and dispose of low-level radiological waste and other hazardous waste at authorized commercial or Department of Energy (DOE) waste disposal facilities. This decision will allow the Navy to reduce the Navy inactive ship inventory, eliminate costs associated with maintaining the ship in a safe stowage condition, and dispose of legacy radiological and hazardous wastes in an environmentally responsible manner, while meeting the operational needs of the Navy.
The Navy selected Alternative 3 (Commercial Dismantlement) because this alternative safely disposes of the ex-Enterprise, including its hazardous materials, in approximately five years as compared to 15 years or more for other analyzed alternatives. Additionally, this alternative will have the lowest greenhouse gas emissions, will not require in-water construction work to expand the capacity of the Port of Benton barge slip in Washington state, and will be executed at approximately half the cost to the taxpayer as compared with other alternatives. Finally, this alternative supports the Navy mission by allowing the Navy to focus limited public shipyard resources on priority fleet maintenance. This alternative will not result in any decrease in workforce at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF).
The Navy made this decision after assessment of potential human, natural, and cultural environmental impacts while considering strategic and operational needs, and review of comments from government officials and agencies, tribes, nongovernmental organizations, and the public on the proposal and environmental analysis. The Navy does not anticipate significant environmental impacts from the selected alternative with the implementation of protective standard operating procedures, best management practices, and mitigation measures, as described in the Final EIS/OEIS and Record of Decision.
This website contains project information and documents to facilitate a transparent public process for the environmental impact analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act.
Record of Decision Available
The Record of Decision is available for viewing.
Final EIS/OEIS Available for Viewing
The Final EIS/OEIS is available for viewing.